Thursday, 24 April 2014

OUGD501 Calvin Klein Publication

After developing the publication with all the relevant content, it came to my attention that the pages still seemed a bit bare, and that the text was in some places a bit overwhelming. I decided to break up the formality of the page a bit by inserting quotes onto each double page spread, that were relevant to the content of that page, either a quote from a critic, model or Klein himself. I chose these based on quotes I had already found when researching the topic.

Final publication:

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

OUGD501 Binding

I wanted to chose a binding method that would lend itself to the kind of smooth and classic façade that Calvin Klein uphold in much of their designs and their branding. I started by looking into some binding methods and comparing them to see which would best fit the context of the publication.

I concluded that the most appropriate method for the context of the publication is a simply perfect bound paper back, making the publication appear similar to a brochure or catalogue that may be used for the actual brand themselves.