Friday, 4 January 2013

Task 2 - Beauty, Style and Taste

In the session in which we each brought 2 images we liked and 2 we disliked and came up with a list of adjectives, describing the aesthetics of each. We also switched images with another student and had to determine some words to describe it in a short amount of time.
This helped us determine if the images were 'aesthetically arresting', and that the first word that comes to mind when seeing an image is ultimately the most important.

We then determined a set of aesthetic rules, in pairs in order to avoid our personal preferences determining our set of rules:

1. It is vital for image and type to correspond and be in accordance with each other.

2. The design is required to be visually engaging for the target audience.

3. Context in which the design will be placed needs to be considered when producing.

4. The layout needs to be followable and in accordance with the content.

5. Production should coincide with the theme of the design.

6. All type should be legible.

7. A structural layout should be used when designing.

8. Use colour to determine tone of voice instead of colour to demand attention.

9. Keep elements of the design consistent.

10. There should be a clear and concise concept, which is apparent to the viewer.

To make the task more reflective of our own ideals, we chose three from the list that we believe the most:

1. It is vital for image and type to correspond and be in accordance with each other.

2. Production should coincide with the theme of the design.

3. Use colour to determine tone of voice instead of colour to demand.

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