Thursday, 10 July 2014

COP3 Topic Change

After thinking more about my dissertation proposal, I found that the way I had worded and expanded on it could be considered quite confusing. In light of this I decided to reword the question, without changing the approach I was taking as I am still interested in discussing all the same aspects of design.

I want to keep the focus on the effect that digital media has had on the design world, and still wanted to look into the same areas:

  • the emergence of digital media
  • the impact of social trends
  • the rise in use of social media as a marketing tool
  • the effect of consumerist habits on design
  • the rising popularity in sustainable design
While initially I wanted to focus on hand rendered design and how it's popularity has diminished since the use of digital media has been so rapidly rising, I decided that it might not be a wide enough topic to be my main focus, but could perhaps be something that I discuss in an argument relating to the trends of graphic design.

After some brainstorming, I concluded that a better option would be to look into the effect that the digital age has had on our society in relation to design, and reworded my initial question:

Explore the effect the digital age has had on trends within the design world.

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